Barbara Agreste music
Music by Barbara Agreste
Music is happiness to me. When I listen to it, whatever genre I happen to come across with, I always become more cheerful. Sounds make me feel better, even when the sort of tunes I am hearing are sad, melancholic, or hard to listen to like hard, industrial rock, or heavy, trash metal. I’ve always thought that melody,
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
Drawing Series, Woman’s face 3,
pastels and acrylics on acid-free paper
by Barbara Agreste.
Virginia Woolf and her story.
I will never understand Virginia Woolf‘s story, I mean the way it ended. As with Ophelia, the fictional character from Shakespeare, I will analyse Virginia Woolf’s suicide this time. Why am I interested in it? Because it is something I fail to understand completely, and surely to imagine how such an act of removing oneself’s life is possible, I would have to dig deeply into the reasons beyond it.
16 mm
16 mm by Barbara Agreste
I remember I was in the laboratory, it was a bright day of March or April, maybe May, the weather was warm, and I was with my friend Alex working on those very large tables in a wonderful printing facility room in KIAD college of Art. I was unrolling a long 16mm transparent film strip, and close by on the table I had collected and placed down carefully so many petals, Continue reading
Women are not Objects – Stop Violence to Women
Women are not Objects –
Stop Violence to Women
Women are not Objects – Stop violence to women. This drawing is contributing to the cause against violence to women. It is the portrait of a woman in the exact moment before death, when she wouldn’t expect to be betrayed in such a horrifying way as to be murdered…
oil on canvas
100 x 85 cm
Geremiah. This particular face belongs to my son Geremiah when he was a child. He has now grown into a beautiful adult, and I thank the Gods for it, but the only things that remain to me, to remind me of his childhood and the lovely appearance of his angelic face of innocence, is in two paintings I made of him: this one (oil on canvas) titled “Geremiah”, and another
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci ‘s art is something very precious to me. I could not do without one of his images (a drawing, a painting) here on my blog, is it because artists care for other artists? Is it because I wanted to look at such brilliant master of the past in the hope that I would learn something magic from his work?
Lella Grace
Lella Grace
Lella Grace – In the last two weeks I haven’t been able to speak to anyone about my feelings, nor to write anything, now I took the courage, and I’m finally letting out my thoughts.
I knew you since long time, but I only really knew your heart and mind recently. From that point on I never stopped dreaming about spending more time with you, never forgetting the happiness and freedom I felt the evening I met you by chance, and the potential of the two of us combined.
Dark Pop Surrealism
Dark Pop Surrealism
Dark Pop Surrealism
Dolls are surreal, dark and today they have come to represent perfect, endless, but also lifeless beauty. I must also add “voiceless beauty” too, since a doll doesn’t speak. I have used dolls several times in my images in the attempt to emphasize the fact that a woman in many situations is seen and treated as a doll. But, if a doll is voiceless, would images of dolls speak any sort of truth about them?
Nigredo Blackness
Nigredo Blackness
The Catharsis of Ophelia
Nigredo Blackness. Today I looked at some of my digital paintings from the Nigredo series, and I found out that many of them were left unfinished. I was especially interested in one of those images, the one that best represents the Nigredo phase, one that has actually a lot of black matter in it, an almost entirely black and white piece.
Babel Tower Story
The Tower of Babel
Barbel Tower Story
The Tower of Babel is an interesting subject from my point of view. It was reported in the Bible (Genesis 11:1-9), and it tells the story of humans that once upon a time all spoke the same language on earth. As people migrated from the east, they settled in a land called Shinar which in the Bible appears eight times and it refers to Babylonia, a territory encompassing both the city of Baylon (Babel) and the southern city Erech. Babylonia used to be a great and powerful empire.
Art needed: when we need it, and what it does to the image of ourselves.
When Art is needed, and when it’s not.
Art needed me, I needed art.
Again on art; this time I have pondered about what made me, in my past, need art so much, and I have finally, after having stopped for a while producing forms, found the answer: I have never existed at peace and harmony with myself since when I was born, because of the influence of a narcissistic parent with a pathology so hard to identify, and so insidious, Continue reading